
Software testing

Non-Functional testing
Test services on quality attributes ensure the excellence of the product developed. The care of non-functional aspects in development processes ensures that the application fulfills its function correctly, covering aspects such as performance, usability, or the burden of high volumes of information.
Non-Functional testing
Non-functional testing services guarantee the quality of the application, ensuring aspects such as the behavior before loading, volume, performance, availability, safety and usability, among others.
Volume testing
Through volume testing, the software is subjected to large volumes of data to verify that it works correctly when it reaches the limits for which it was created.
Variants of tests

Performance Testing: Performance testing verifies that the specified objectives have been achieved in terms of response time and concurrence of the software product, under normal use circumstances.

Load and Stress Testing: It allows to find and solve problems generated by the scarcity of resources (memory, disk space) and shared resources (system, database locks, bandwidth, among others).

Usability Review: The ease with which the user can understand, learn, navigate and use the software is checked.

Project Variants: We develop modernization solutions assuming full responsibility for the project. For cases where the demand for the service is constant and sustained over time, we form development teams under the time & material modality.